
Pylians provides the routine MA to construct 2D and 3D density fields from the positions of particles. That routine can also construct marked fields, by weigthing each particle according to some weigh. The arguments of that routine are these:

  • pos. The positions of the particles, either in 2D or 3D. It should be a numpy float32 array; e.g. in 3D should be something like pos = np.zeros((1000,3), dtyp=np.float32).

  • field. This is a numpy float32 array in either 2D or 3D that will contain the density field.

  • BoxSize. Size of the cubic region (in 3D) or the rectangular plane (2D).

  • MAS. Mass-assignment scheme used to deposit particles mass to the grid. Options are: 'NGP' (nearest grid point), 'CIC' (cloud-in-cell), 'TSC' (triangular-shape cloud), 'PCS' (piecewise cubic spline). For most applications 'CIC' is enough.

  • W. The weight associated to each particle, if any. If no weights used, set it None.

  • verbose. Whether to print some information on the progress.


If you want to construct a field in redshift-space, you will need the particle positions in redshift-space. See Redshift-space distortions on how move particles, halos, galaxies…etc, from real to redshift-space.

We now provide examples on how to use this routine:

Density field in 3D

This example shows how to compute the density constrast field from the positions of particles in 3D.

import numpy as np
import MAS_library as MASL

# number of particles
Np = 128**3

# density field parameters
grid    = 128    #the 3D field will have grid x grid x grid voxels
BoxSize = 1000.0 #Mpc/h ; size of box
MAS     = 'CIC'  #mass-assigment scheme
verbose = True   #print information on progress

# particle positions in 3D
pos = np.random.random((Np,3)).astype(np.float32)*BoxSize

# define 3D density field
delta = np.zeros((grid,grid,grid), dtype=np.float32)

# construct 3D density field
MASL.MA(pos, delta, BoxSize, MAS, verbose=verbose)

# at this point, delta contains the effective number of particles in each voxel
# now compute overdensity and density constrast
delta /= np.mean(delta, dtype=np.float64);  delta -= 1.0

After the last line, delta contains the density constrast field, defined as \(\delta(x)=\rho(x)/\bar{\rho}-1\), where \(\rho(x)\) is the value of the density field at position \(x\).

Density field in 2D

This example shows how to compute the density constrast field from the positions of particles in 2D.

import numpy as np
import MAS_library as MASL

# number of particles
Np = 256**2

# density field parameters
grid    = 256    #the 2D field will have grid x grid pixels
BoxSize = 1000.0 #Mpc/h ; size of box
MAS     = 'TSC'  #mass-assigment scheme
verbose = True   #print information on progress

# particle positions in 2D
pos = np.random.random((Np,2)).astype(np.float32)*BoxSize

# define 2D density field
delta = np.zeros((grid,grid), dtype=np.float32)

# construct 2D density field
MASL.MA(pos, delta, BoxSize, MAS, verbose=verbose)

# at this point, delta contains the effective number of particles in each pixel
# now compute overdensity and density constrast
delta /= np.mean(delta, dtype=np.float64);  delta -= 1.0

After the last line, delta contains the density constrast field, defined as \(\delta(x)=\rho(x)/\bar{\rho}-1\), where \(\rho(x)\) is the value of the density field at position \(x\).

Gas density field in 3D

This example shows how to construct a gas density field in 3D, where the position of the particles, together with their associated gas masses are used.

import numpy as np
import MAS_library as MASL

# number of particles
Np = 128**3

# density field parameters
grid    = 128    #the 3D field will have grid x grid x grid voxels
BoxSize = 1000.0 #Mpc/h ; size of box
MAS     = 'CIC'  #mass-assigment scheme
verbose = True   #print information on progress

# particle positions in 3D
pos = np.random.random((Np,3)).astype(np.float32)*BoxSize

# gas masses of the particles (masses goes from 0 to 1)
mass = np.random.random(Np).astype(np.float32) #Msun/h

# define 3D density field
delta = np.zeros((grid,grid,grid), dtype=np.float32)

# construct 3D density field
MASL.MA(pos, delta, BoxSize, MAS, W=mass, verbose=verbose)

# at this point, delta contains the effective gas mass in each voxel
# now compute overdensity and density constrast
delta /= np.mean(delta, dtype=np.float64);  delta -= 1.0

After the last line, delta contains the gas density constrast field, defined as \(\delta_{\rm g}(x)=\rho_{\rm g}(x)/\bar{\rho}_{\rm g}-1\), where \(\rho_{\rm g}(x)\) is the value of the gas density field at position \(x\).


Marked density fields (see e.g. this paper) can be constructed by using the considered mark as a weigh for every particle or galaxy.