Pylians provide a set of routines to carry out simple cosmological calculations.
Comoving distance
The comoving distance to redshift z
can be computed as:
import cosmology_library as CL
z = 1.0
Omega_m = 0.3175
Omega_l = 0.6825
# compute the comoving distance to redshift z in Mpc/h
r = CL.comoving_distance(z, Omega_m, Omega_l) #Mpc/h
Linear growth factor
The linear growth factor to redshift z
can be computed as:
import cosmology_library as CL
z = 1.0
Omega_m = 0.3175
Omega_l = 0.6825
# compute the linear growth factor
D = CL.linear_growth_factor(z, Omega_m, Omega_l)
From a linear power spectrum at z=0, Pylians can find the non-linear matter power spectrum halofit by Takahashi 2012 as
import numpy as np
import cosmology_library as CL
z = 1.0
Omega_m = 0.3175
Omega_l = 0.6825
# read the linear power spectrum
k_lin, Pk_lin = np.loadtxt('my_Pk_file_z=0.txt', unpack=True)
# find the non-linear power spectrum from halofit
Pk_nl = CL.Halofit_12(Omega_m, Omega_l, z, k_lin, Pk_lin)